torsdag 16. april 2009

Final session this season?

The snow is melting and soon I have to wax my board and put it away. I HATE it! I want to put in reps, become more secure on basic tricks, get air, land perfect and ride away clean.. I want to hike a mountain and be the first to carve lines in the slush.

It feels great to have this passion for snowboarding! It brings back feelings and thoughts from when I was a kid. I remember having this passion in every sport I did. I lived in the moment and was focused. Swim practice, soccer, taekwondo, etc., I had this passion that drove me to run faster, kick higher and do one more lap and the only thing that mattered was that moment in time..

This time I will not let the flame go out. I will keep it burning in a safe place where I can feel it so that I am constantly reminded to enjoy every moment, enjoy the now, enjoy living, having a wonderful wife, the laughter of my 4 year old son and the kicks of my other son that we will get to see in about two months.

Movement, focus, learning, teaching, training and planning is just my way of living, expressing my self, growing, trying to be better, trying to evolve.

Carpe Diem!

lørdag 4. april 2009

Strength tests from the 25.March and my new plan

So my massbuilding project was destroyed by my amazing abilities to slam on my snowboard..

I have almost healed up 100% so I am changing gear and am now chasing max-strength and anaerobic endurance.

Did some strength tests a while back to get an idea of where my baseline was: